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I am an Eye and Retina Surgeon. Special interest in Diabetic Eye Diseases. I Blog to unravel the jumbled answers within me...to hold your hand when youre down.... to make you laugh.... to find The One. .... e mail: diabeticeyeclinic@gmail.com

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Why do you always say: “Fool” the mind?

As I always go on repeating you are the One, you are the ‘diamond’, you are born a King. You are absolute happiness ......Sat-Chit-Ananda.

Then why aren’t we aware of it.?

You aren’t aware of your Soul, your happiness, because (1) Your analytical mind and your Ego are afraid of the calmness /silence it will bring with it (2) You are over indulging in sensory input: with too much sound, visual input (sometimes very bad), constant taste trip, sexual perversion. (3) You are afraid of the change it means eventually. (4) Your threatened Ego is sending its pet monkey, the Mind to distract you

The Ego is afraid because the pure Soul and Ego cannot exist at the same time. Rise of Soul means eventual death of Ego.

To recognize your Soul you require a pause in the sensory inputs. Why? Because they make the Mind monkey dance. You require to be restrained in your words and action. You need to think before acting. You need to eliminate pervert sensory input. Very simply, the rules of Yama – Niyama apply here too.

Now if you want to argue for sake of argument and ask me why this and why not that. I have a simple answer. Do not do anything that you would want erased from your cupboard/ computer/ office desk when you die + Do not do anything that you wouldn’t do openly in front of your child and family. This will answer 95% of the people, except the ‘special 5%’ who I would have to meet personally !!

Also too much sensory input creates (1) too much useless memory + work & open playing field for the Mind monkey (2)  leaves you little time for contemplation (3) Instead of  making you more stable in your own self, it creates more likes and dislikes.

When your daily journey towards One starts, the polishing of the ‘diamond’, slowly your wants, your needs, your lusts, your demons, your desires, your Ego will start reducing and then dropping off. Your mind Monkey that has been conditioned by Society is fearful of this ‘detached’ attitude. So it will go on producing excuses for you to not go on this path. Your Ego and Mind will fight you fiercely. This will be your toughest battle, and also the place where maximum have succumbed. The Ego will fight so hard that you will call yourself a eunuch, a pantuji, a dork. You will have to persevere through this.  

Lastly, and I say this with a lot of confidence, your Mind is your biggest enemy and adversary on this journey towards One.

Want an example: Read this paragraph, close your eyes, think about what I tell you, Hold the thought and open your eyes after 3 minutes and tell me all your thoughts in a row. Ok? Ready?


3 minutes? What sequence did your mind show you?

I will tell you what my mind showed me : Australia….. Kangaroos, Fosters Beer, ……Beer I love….. here in India I drink Kingfisher……. my weekend trip with my buddies……. we are going to Karjat….. I like Karjat but I don’t like eating there…… There shall be a lot of mosquitoes at Karjat this time….Hmmmm mosquitoes… I cant risk Dengue… If it killed Mr Yash Chopra what are we….Mr Chopra’s movie… who will complete it… but I wont see it as it seems a silly movie… which remind me my TV isn’t working… I need a set top box.

See: where did I start? I was supposed to hold the thought : Australia. And I thought 10 different things in the interim.

This is the random nonsense of the Mind which I mentioned in my previous post.

This is the perfect example of the Mind monkey. You mind is a monkey, skittering here and there, never silent, never stable. Because in the pause of your mind, you will see your Soul. Whenever your mind pauses, in whichever situation or setting, your Soul will show.

Hence learn to ‘fool your mind’.


Firstly learn to control and ‘observe your breath’. Since breathing is so essential to all life, your mind will not be able to escape. And yet it will try. Gently bring your thoughts back to observing your breathing. Breathe in deeply, hold, breathe out.

If you want a demonstration of the fact that your mind will be controlled when you observe your breath, just hold your breath for a minute.......... Your mind will dare not wander, as your life is at stake....... The only thought in you in that one minute will be your breath.

Stop your mind from wandering. Hold a thought. Tie your mind Monkey to any object. The favorite object world over is God. Concentrate on your favorite God. Don’t let the mind wander. Bring it back to the object as it wanders.


Learn to smile a lot. Even falsely, in adverse circumstances. This shall fool your mind into reducing the stress and anxiety. The mind will remain happier.

Learn to reduce you needs. Do not let your wants become your needs, or worse your obsessions. Learn to curtail your luxuries. If you want to search the One, decrease your sensory inputs. Apply Yama – Niyama and character to your sensory inputs.

Rein in your Mind monkey. Your mind has to be fooled into inactivity, into subservience of the Soul.

Your journey to the One is well on the way.

The promise of the Soul Healer.   

So what do we do?

So what do we do?

So we have understood that “we” ourselves are the key to our happiness/ our salvation/ the termination of our anxiety.

So what do we “do” to now become more happier, more content, more at peace?


You already are the One. You already are the Soul, unsullied, unblemished, true, shining, pure, love, peace.
You just have forgotten over your many births/ weeks / months (select whichever suits your faith or beliefs) that you are the One. Your “mind” has surrounded your “soul recognition’ with imagined anxieties, fears, plans, expectations, burdens….. or just random nonsense.

My favorite allegory.  A Diamond. It is so pure, radiant, shining, sparkling, precious. Then you throw it into the street. Mud, grime accumulates over it. Then it rolls into the gutter. More sludge encompasses it. Anyone seeing it doesn’t recognize it as a diamond. They see a rock or worse, a sludge. Slowly even the diamond forgets its diamond attributes. But inwithin, the diamond is still present. Someday shall come a deluge of rain, wash away most of the sludge. Then a jeweler will pick it & polish it, and the diamond will shine again. The Diamond that always was there. You are the diamond. You are the One.

So knowing we are the ‘diamond’ do we just sit around? And wait for the ‘enlightenment’ to happen?

Yes, you could….. but then the time period to your becoming a ‘diamond’ prolongs.

So follow a good set of Yama and Niyama. Do’s and Don’t’s. Inherently all of us know what is good for us and what is bad. So I wont sit here and pontificate.
Just follow the set of rules good for you….. For example, if eating only Vegetarian food keeps you healthier and fitter, follow that strictly, your Niyama. If you always make an ass of yourself after drinking, follow the Yama of not drinking at parties (anyways, its bad for your liver and your brain cells).

Secondly, exorcise your personal demons. It may be anger (commonest), jealousy, gossip, small thievery, bad tongue, perverted sexual desires….. Whatever..... The list is endless.

My personal flaw is my hair trigger anger with a chip on my shoulder. And that I don’t tolerate fools easily. Now in my profession I meet atleast 100 new people everyday. Everyone from different backgrounds, upbringing. My attitude, with the above flaws, wont do. So my first Niyama is to talk softly to everyone. My second Niyama is to never reply fast, always think the answer in your head, reply after a pause. Yet, usually everyday, my irritation for some silly patient always surfaces.When that happens, i use my favorite trick, I close my eyes and imagine my favorite God (Mahadev/Maa Durga) or my favorite person sitting in place of that patient. Immedeately a smile lights my face, anger melts and I talk to the silly patient with utmost love and compassion. That is My personal ruse to exorcise my demon. But slowly my anger has started reducing, it doesn’t rear its head too often. You find your ruse.

Lastly, analyse your personal demon. Think why you are doing this. Why are you acting or reacting like this. Why are you having this bad trait.

Usually it is our inherent feeling of superiority over someone else and our being judgemental. We are very judgemental about the beggar at the crossing, the man who doesn’t vacate seat for old people, the unbathed villager, the unmannered worker.
You were lucky to be born in a good house, to good parents, 3 square meals, an education, have your luxuries. What can you even guess about how those people grew up, through what poverty, through what tribulations, through what abject dreariness?

When you judge or snook your nose at them, remember - they feel the same emotions you do, the same wants that you do, they would love the things that you take for granted.

Mellow down. See the world a little more softly, with pink shades on !!! The world is filled with love, happiness, laughter.

Stop being a grumpy, hoity-toity, angry, judgemental prig. Loosen that silly tie you hang around your neck, remove your shoes, walk on the beach with naked feet, see the sunset with its myraid colors, eat a cotton candy/ gola……. Share it with a stranger if you can.

Slow down your life and its pace.

And learn to polish the “Diamond”….. It isn’t a one time thing, it is a daily grind… a daily process ….. some days shall be good, some days bad…. Hence the immutable Yama - Niyama….. They form the basis of a good character…… Of what use is all your education, your hoity-toity ness, your suit and tie, your attitude if you cannot stick to a simple promise to yourself of not smoking?……….GO… Don’t eat my head.... Eat your own Head..... Polish the ‘diamond’ everyday... Not for me or some Guru, for Yourself.

Some day the One shall shine through.... it may not be a small journey...It may be a tough journey, depending on the "grime and sludge" covering your Soul and your will to 'polish' it........So what?...... it is Your journey..... Journery on proudly... Happily..... One day the One shall shine from you.

The Promise of the Soul Healer.