Soul Healer. Where do we start.?
Let us start with the perennial question of existence: Why this Grief, why this anxiety, why this feeling of incompleteness.? What is it that keeps man unhappy inspite of multiple achievements and possessions.
Firstly, let start with rock bottom fundas.
All of us are born naked and shall die naked and shall depart into next life/ coffin till resurrection or judgement day or be disposed in a dump. We shall leave without a shred of the wealth that we spent our life, time, morals, peace and happiness to amass.
So much anxiety for just the journey?
Secondly, all of us live our lives too afraid of what life will present us with. We are too afraid of the surprises in store for us, the odd averse circumstances, the rare calamity. Why? Because we have put ourself/our mind into a comfort cocoon. Anything outside that and our anxiety, grief and blood pressure rises.
Remember the stories in the first post of Soul-Words.? Our bare basic necessities are 2 or 3 square meals a day and a small roof over our heads to protect us from natures elements. Everything else…..everything is just a luxury that your mind went on adding while you grew up.
What if I walked up to you and said “I will guarantee you a roof and 3 square meals a day, for lifetime”? Most of your anxieties and fears would drop away. You would start living as the King that you were born as. Your actions and reactions would not be dictated by fear, wants and anxiety. ….. So what is stopping you just now? Most of us have a basic roof and 3 meals coming to our table. Live free and fearless and act out of the strength of knowledge and love.
Stop that Pad, that smart phone, that diamond encrusted watch, that fancy luxury sedan (that also tells you the temperature outside and inside), that person, that house from becoming your want, then your lust and eventually your obsession.
Reduce you needs, check in your wants and analyse your luxuries.
And do not take my words wrongly. If you get occasion to use them, do so with unmitigated joy and excitement in the moment. Live for just now, in this moment.
Learn to enjoy the luxury whenever presented to you. Stop losing your sleep over it. Learn to enjoy everything in life with “detached attachment”. Be it material possessions or human relations.
Seen a small child.? Naked, cannot move from where its mother has put it. And yet happy and carefree. Gurgling, laughing, thrashing its arms and legs in the air, playing. We too were born like that, but then our mind started putting in imagined needs, lusts, fears and anxieties.
Let the “Child” in you come out again. See and live each moment with amazement. You plan too much for 20 years down the line. Who knows you may not live for the next 20 minutes.
Let the “King” you were born to be dictate you life's actions, out of love and strength.
Live this moment, enjoy whatever life presents you in this moment. Live with “Detached Attachment” to this moment.
Live knowing the Soul Healer shall hold your hand through all of your anxiety, grieg and turbulent days. The promise of the Soul Healer.