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I am an Eye and Retina Surgeon. Special interest in Diabetic Eye Diseases. I Blog to unravel the jumbled answers within me...to hold your hand when youre down.... to make you laugh.... to find The One. .... e mail: diabeticeyeclinic@gmail.com

Friday, 25 January 2013

Why do all of us end up so anxious, fearful and slave like?

Why do all of us end up so anxious, fearful and slave like?

All of us are born as the reflection of pure Bliss, the One, true happiness, with the potential to live like Kings.

But yet all of us end up like petty puppies. Driven by various lusts and petty obsession.  Living in constant fear of loss of present or imagined circumstances.

How did this happen?

Let me take you through the logical succession.

When you were a child, your needs and wants were limited. Dry diaper and food. If that was absent you cried, otherwise mostly you laughed and frolicked. Not one anxiety or obsession to allow your mind monkey to frolick and mess with.

This wasn’t a happy state for your inherent Ego. So it put its slave, the Mind, to work on you.

Mind is for analysis, but it can also be used for hyperanalysis (Pishtpinjan as we Gujjus call it or baal ki khaal nochna.) and it can also be used for dreaming and imagining.

So the mind started imagining scenarios for you and the Society helped. You were taught that nakedness is shame-shame. You were taught that dancing constantly to music was wrong. If you loved to play and race around, you were told that isn’t the only thing in life, so study. If you read a lot, you were told there is a life outside books, to go and play. If you painted a lot, you were told this wont earn your two meals a day with this art-shart stuff. If you loved martial arts, you were told – our family doesn’t encourage goondaism. Why were you told this? Why were you told stuff that curtailed whatever you thought was happy?

Because Society (including parents) is afraid of 2 things : (1) Someone who is ready to step out of the boundaries, as it is a blow to the norms and the set rules of the society….You are an outcast (2) Genuine concern for you, but by projecting their own fears and fears arising out of their experiences, on to you.

So slowly, you too started falling into the ‘Rut’…the norms. For everything that your heart said yes, there was a following argument why it shouldn’t be done.

This was the start and the end of your domestication. Till date you are afraid to cross the line, redefine the boundaries. And your patent excuses are : (1). What about my security?............ What about it? If you roof and 3 meals are secured then what are you constantly lamenting about? (2) What about my family and child’s future?.... Come on, come up with a better excuse…. You haven’t been able to even make yourself secure and you are dreaming up your future generations security?

With this brilliant start of your domestication, you started to bow down to each and every threat, as it might ‘rock the boat’ that you are currently in. You started to say small lies, you started to listen to a rude boss, you started to stop paying attention to your role in the society, you started to give in to rowdy elements in your area, you started to bend rules to your benefit. You became a domesticated cow.

With the faculty of soul, all of us posses 5 organs through which we perceive the world. Sight, smell, touch, taste and sound. With this we have the special faculty of Mind and choice.

When we are born, all these 5 organs are under “input control” of someone else. So we just leave worry to someone else and gurgle and play with imaginary friends and our feet and our hands and laugh and smile.

But as we grow up, the 5 sense organs kick in. Suddenly a lot of input (most of it useless) is being driven into our memory, our brain, our Mind. Till it is just a sensory input, it is just harmless data. But the Mind kicks in and gives the sensory input the attributes or tags of :: like, super like, dislike, abhor tags to data.

Whenever you attach an attribute ( a like or a dislike) to a sensory input, it gives the mind monkey one more toy to play with and skitter around.

That is why the ‘learned Gurus’ always tell you to either reduce your sensory input or atleast to take utmost care that whatever sensory input enters you is pure/ beneficial/ of no harm to your mind and of no harm to society. Absolute gem of an idea.

Now if we were to remain child like then we would always remain happy. And this is your Soul responding. Where there is Soul there can not be Ego.

But the Ego is fed into your Souls memory through the likes/dislikes and impressions your mind has created. And once the input starts, the memories kick in and impressions reform. Fears come in. Emotions start to resurface.

Whereas, the key to a peaceful and happy life is moderation.

Hence reduce the ‘impressions’. Reduce the unnecessary sensory input. I mean sometimes we behave like such idiots. Of what use is it if your child knows or doesn’t know the rabi/khari crops of USA and Australia.? Of what use is it for your child to learn stupid chemistry formulae and principles (beyond basics)? Yes, in future if the child shows interest in a particular branch, the topic can always be explored more. But for some reason all of us attach a lot of importance to the word of rote, to mugging up and vomiting in exams.

And eventually if all your education is only for sake of making a better pay packet, then it is a total waste. ….to put it crudely, even street walkers earn money.

The education and learning is of use if it makes you a better human being, a more understanding person, a yearner for the Soul.

To put it in short: We are born free and happy. It is all the play of the Ego and mind that puts fears, anxieties, suppositions into a journey of some days/years called as life. So much ado for a journey from nothing to nothing.

Some day the One shall shine through.

The Promise of the Soul Healer.